Friday, August 10, 2012

1+1=3 (Update)

   Just another article about how the Louisiana Charter school has now gotten rid of it's pregnancy test bull. Good, one less screwed thing we have to worry about.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


    In Catholic schools you get hit with a stick, and in public schools you have to pee on them. This is the second thing I've posted about the American school system and it's crazy policies. There is definitely something wrong here then.

   My first thought was "why in the world does it matter if a girl is pregnant in high school?" I mean yes I understand that it's not really okay. But it happens and we all know this. I myself being pregnant the last month of high school I obviously know it happens.
   So this principal is trying to accomplish what? How is taking a pregnant teenage and kicking her out of school a good thing? Don't they realize that makes the teen more prone to failing school and not being able to continue an education? Are they realizing that that effects the child greatly? Why do I feel like this is part of a hate towards girls that get pregnant "too" early.
   As the blog states at the bottom, don't you think they would want to help that individual as much as they could to provide a better life for both the mother and child? Stop spending the countries limited school funds on dumb pregnancies tests and put to something more useful. Come on, this is just a little ridiculous.

   It just seems like the pregnant teems of the world can, and never will win. If you keep the baby you get kicked of schools (apparently.) If you abort the baby you're a murderer. This charter school needs to get it's act together and realize what a bad name it's making for itself.

   Better make some bigger desks for the pregnant ladies walking around Louisiana. I have a feeling your little policy is going to get baby bumped out of your handbook. Or offer a complimentary chastity belt with your science text books.