Monday, July 30, 2012

Formula Held Hostage

Mayor Bloomberg pushing NYC hospitals to hide baby formula so more new moms will breast-feed

   Let me start off by saying that I am not a strong stubborn "bottles are best" mother. I breastfed my son for the first month of his life. I understand where this man is getting that breastfeeding is best, because we all know it is. But some moms just don't want to do it, and that's 100% fine. But where this man thinks he can get off holding formula hostage is beyond me. He sounds like he would be that person that gets rid of all C-sections because they aren't natural. He'd have Mother's push for hours just because it's "the right thing to do."

   "With each bottle a mother requests and receives, she’ll also get a talking-to. Staffers will explain why she should offer the breast instead.
   What? I'm sorry but I do believe that every person that gives birth has the common sense to know that breastfeeding is an option. They said they're getting rid of all formula logo branded baby related things. Fine, that doesn't directly affect a Mother's choices as a Mother. But everything else in this article is just plain bull.
There's bigger problems in this world and New York then if the mom in room 224 has a baby's face on her boob. Get a grip here people.

“It’s the patient’s choice,” said Allison Walsh, of Beth Israel Medical Center. “But it’s our job to educate them on the best option.”

    I believe Allison just made my point quite clear. It is our choice not yours. I don't remember seeing you lay here for hours pushing a 7lb baby out of your women parts! I didn't see you laying on this operating table being cut open while awake! So this Mayor and all those women from "Under Latch" that breastfed their kids till they were 4 years old can put a sock in it. Don't they know that they sell formula at the store right down the road? I'd make my husband go buy me a can of newborn Enfamil and rub in in their face.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Mmm Mmm Good!

Breast Milk Ice Cream

   Does this mean I can ship my boobie milk to London for some cash? I would be totally down for that. As long as I didn't have to see the people eating my boob milk ice cream in person.

   Now my question is, how is this okay with people? I know for one that if I knew my ice cream was made with breast milk I would definitely not test the taste of that one. I'm not going to lie when I had my son I breastfed and I once tasted it. Not on purpose of course! But it happened and I am not ashamed. I will say it doesn't taste bad, it tastes better then normal milk. But I would not go as far as saying lets put it into an ice cream and serve to people across America!

   Maybe I'm just not adventurous enough to dare take away a child's nutrition. Or maybe it's the fact that a cows utters are somehow more appealing then a pair a boobs. Either way I am glad this isn't on my home turf. I would be scared that when I next gave birth they would ask me if I would kindly donate to the boob ice cream makers of America.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Shape Is....

Ioana Spanenberg: Model Defends Her Shape.

   My main focus of this blog was to be about kids, families etc. But I could not pass up putting in my two cents about this "human hourglass.

   When I first looked at this I immediately thought "anorexia." But this women claims she eats normally and that her stomach is just smaller then most peoples. Maybe it's slight jealousy, and half common sense. But why does this chick not go to the doctor and let them fix it? I'm not all for surgery solving everything. But I can't imagine this being healthy. She looks like a strong wind would turn her into the sand that goes into an hourglass!

   I guess I'm just slightly upset because society already thinks I should eat nuts and yogurt for every meal of my day and weigh 110 pounds. I thought 110 pounds was unreachable, and now I have to get to 84 to compete with this! I'm throwing in the towel, this girl can have it.

   But to each there own I guess. Now that I'm done ranting I'm going to go get myself a triple cheese burgar.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Milk Gone Sour

Should Milk Be Banned From School Lunches? 

When first reading the title of this article I couldn't help but not scroll past it on Facebook. I thought that maybe the FDA had found that it causes early cancer or that cows were becoming sick so milk was to be gone for awhile. But I was clearly wrong.

   Awhile back schools got rid of soda from. I can understandably see why, because to my motherly knowledge, soda has no REAL nutrition benefits. When I think of soda I picture sugar being mixed with water and a little flavoring. But when I picture milk, I see happy cows gazing in a field and I see tall glasses of wholesome goodness sitting next to everyone's plate at dinner.

  So I am completely stumped as to how physicians are telling the Moms and Dads of America that milk is bad for their kids. It has sugar in it, so what? If you take away soda and milk all that is left is juice. Juice, which has more sugar in it then milk! If I remember correctly your body needs sugar. But hey what do I know I don't have a Ph.D in anything.

   When I was growing up I was always told that milk would make you "Big and Strong." I guess some physicians think that means obesity.  Next thing you know they'll be telling us that eating whole wheat bread makes you lose brain cells.

   But don't worry United States school system, I'll be sure to tell my son when he wakes up that when he goes to school in a few years all kids will be anorexic because that's the healthy way to go.